Updating Results

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER)

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Working Hours at The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER)

9.5 rating for Working Hours, based on 10 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
Very flexible work hours, my work hours range from 8:30am to 5:30pm (8 hour day within that range).
Graduate, Perth - 05 Jul 2024
DWER has a 60% working from home policy which is beneficial for me as I live over an hour away from the regional office I work from.
Graduate, Perth - 04 Jul 2024
I work 7.5 hours per day. Very flexible in terms of working from home, in the office or a mixture. I can work more hours and accure leave that way.
Graduate, Perth - 25 Aug 2023
Hours are super flexible with flexible start and finish times and the ability to use flexi time (if longer hours are worked on a day you can use those hours as time off). Most times I only work my set hours, but there are definitely some hectic weeks where to I've worked slightly longer hours.
Graduate, Joondalup - 22 Aug 2023
8-hour day, overtime counts as time in lieu
Midlevel, Joondalup - 16 Aug 2023
WFH or WFAL policies support flexible work. The ability to use flexi time when required.
Graduate, Perth - 20 Jun 2023
The department is very flexible with working hours. I only work 4 days a week but I can change my working hours/days anytime I want.
Graduate, Perth - 20 Jun 2023
Must complete 75 hours in the fortnight but can start and finish basically whenever you please. Flexi time is available - and so if you work an hour extra today you cant take that time off whenever.
Graduate, Joondalup - 20 Jun 2023
DWER employs a flexible work policy in which staff have the discretion to choose their working hours. I can choose when I start work, and when I finish work every day. Furthermore, I am entitled to work 50% of my rostered hours at home or an alternate location (e.g., a government staff hub).
Graduate, Joondalup - 19 Jun 2023
I work full time, with 2 days a week from home. My office is very flexible when it comes to having breaks to stretch, get coffee etc. or need to switch working from home days and leaving to go to appointments. We can also build flexitime if we work longer which is great if you want to leave early one day or take a longer lunch etc.
Graduate, Perth - 19 Jun 2023