Our strategic vision is to:
- provide assurance that the Australian Government entities and prescribed private sector organisations the Commonwealth Ombudsman oversights, act with integrity and treat people fairly
- influence enduring systemic improvement in public administration in Australia and the region.
Our strategic direction and role is underpinned by the following four key concepts:
- Assurance—Providing a professional and impartial complaint-handling and investigation service.
- Integrity—Enhancing the Office's integrity role in assessing entity compliance with legislation in the use of covert or coercive powers. Maintaining oversight of the Commonwealth Public Interest Disclosure Scheme. Delivering agile and responsive immigration and private health insurance ombudsman capabilities.
- Influence—By enhancing the trusted relationships the Office has with the Australian Government entities and industry sectors the Commonwealth Ombudsman oversights, the community and international partners; and continuing to influence, achieve outcomes and effect change through the Office's investigation of complaints, own motion investigations and recommendations to government.
Improvement—Continuing to encourage systemic improvement in public administration.