They are the Australian Government's key research body and advisor in the area of family wellbeing. They have been producing high-quality, independent research about Australian families for nearly 40 years.
They create and communicate knowledge to bring about positive outcomes for families and communities. They conduct research and communicate evidence about ‘what works for families’ and what doesn’t. They evaluate policies and programs, and they provide advice to inform the design and implementation of policy and services. Their work aims to increase understanding about the factors helping or hindering the well-being of Australian families. It guides systems, policy and service development, and supports individual, family and community empowerment.
They conduct and translate research to make evidence accessible and useful for decision makers, practitioners and the general public.
Their current research activities include:
They work with departments across the whole of the Australian government, and states and territories, and with researchers, policymakers, and service providers. They engage with family and community members to understand their experiences and aspirations, and what matters most to them.