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Australian Government Graduate Program Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
I found that the transport company I was working at was very interesting because while I was researching and collecting data, there was some interesting data about how transport works and new ways to deal with transport in general.

Poreia Millad

  • Day in the life


Effectively communicating parliamentary processes and systems to the rest of the department is crucial to the work that we do in facilitating the coordination of parliamentary material.
  • Graduate stories
In my opinion, the importance of an internship lies in the career that you ultimately want to pursue. If your future career demands experience, then taking on internships is the right thing to do.

Prarthana Pearl Pradhan

  • Graduate stories
Good grades do not necessarily equate to good subject knowledge; of the two, make sure you have the latter (because that’s what employers care about!)


  • Day in the life

Raagavi Jeyaseelan

  • Day in the life

Rachel Jefferson

Morning coffees are a great chance to catch up with friends or mentors and learn about the different and exciting work going on across the agency.
  • Day in the life

Rachel Tan

I have weekly catch-ups with this colleague where we generally go through topics/material of my choice.
  • Graduate stories
"Saya bisa lebih berkembang dalam hal industri media dan lebih mengetahui secara lebih mendalam terkait dunia digital marketing seperti apa"

Rafif Ramdhani