Graduate at Safe Work Australia
Bachelor of Laws at Western Sydney University
What's your job about?
I work for a Commonwealth agency working on developing and evaluating work, health and safety policy and workers’ compensation policy. As a graduate at Safe Work Australia (“SWA”), I am provided the opportunity to assist government solicitor’s review contracts, write briefs or reports for our branch manager or director and conduct research across various specialised areas. I have been able to attend meetings with jurisdictional stakeholders who we are working with on various projects or are consulting to obtain views.
Generally, on a typical day, I would start my day at 8:30 am by checking my emails and messages. I would review the outstanding tasks and the priorities I have for the day and whether I have any meetings. I would have a morning chat with my supervisor to update them on what I currently have on. Afterwards, I may go to meet with my fellow graduates to discuss the major project we are working on. After I come back from these meetings and discussions, I return to my desk to start working on the day’s priorities. Throughout the day, I might have discussions with other members of my team on the work and projects I am currently working on. Lunchtime comes around and I would step out to have a bit of sun and fresh air (if it’s not raining and not too cold!). I return to work after lunch and continue working, generally finishing up at 5:00 pm.
What's your background?
I am a first generation Australian born to Vietnamese parents. I grew up in the south-western suburbs of Sydney. As my parents spoke limited English, my first language isn’t English, despite being born in Australia. As such, it was a bit of a struggle to adapt to my early years in primary school, but I am thankful for the ESL classes I attended. I am the product of the Australian public school system and will always be proud of it.
After completing my Higher School Certificate, I received an offer from Western Sydney University to study a combined law and international studies degree which took me five and a half years to complete. I also took up an opportunity to complete a semester exchange study at the City University of Hong Kong. This was the first time I had flown overseas by myself!
My first job was a Christmas casual retail sales assistant at a clothing chain which has now been liquidated. My toughest job was being an in-house fundraiser knocking on doors asking people to become monthly donors. My most interesting role to date had been working as an administration officer at a major NSW public hospital during the peak of the pandemic. However, I had always wanted to come to Canberra to work in the Australian Public Service, so I had been applying for different graduate programs. On 12 October 2021, I received an offer to participate in the SWA Graduate Program which I am very thankful for!
Could someone with a different background do your job?
Absolutely yes. Anyone with the relevant degree requirements would be competent and capable in fulfilling the role and responsibilities as a graduate at SWA. You just need to be open to learning, be curious, ask questions and be open to constructive feedback. It is crucial to be able to write concisely, communicate effectively, as well as have good organisational and planning skills. A knack for database management and graphic design using different online and digital tools to produce different media eg. videos, infographics and presentations will also serve you well for the grad project.
What's the coolest thing about your job?
What I love most is the team I am currently in at SWA, the High Risk Work and Industries Policy Section. This team develops and evaluates policy in relation to all things high risk-work related such as construction and agriculture. I think it is a fun and dynamic team with team members who always make the most of the interesting and meaningful work. I enjoy researching and understanding the overlap between different roles and functions of SWA and other bodies.
What are the limitations of your job?
As a graduate, we do not have responsibility in terms of being directly accountable to stakeholders as this is managed through our management team. It is a typical office job with hours you would generally expect. However, if you are more of a hands-on person and don’t like the idea of being tied to an office, then perhaps a position within SWA isn’t quite what you’re looking for.
3 pieces of advice for yourself when you were a student...