ICT Business Analyst at Queensland Government Digital Graduate Program
Master of Business Information Systems at Torrens University Australia
7.00 AM
Good morning!
As a true night owl, I like to wake up around 7:00 AM because I feel more energised in the afternoon and evening. One of the things I appreciate about working for eHealth Queensland* is they have an excellent work-life balance the Department offers. With flexible hours and a hybrid work arrangement, I can choose to start and finish work a bit later. The benefits of working for eHealth Queensland include work-from-home arrangements, internal training, mentorship, a Career Development Plan, work-life balance, and mental health care training and lectures. All of this makes me proud to be a graduate here.
*eHealth Queensland is a division within Queensland Health department.
7.45 AM
Time to walk to work!
I chose to live near my office because it encourages me to exercise by walking to work. Plus, the short commute gives me more free time to spend on myself. The office is located near to a train station what makes it easy to get there. Even if I decide to move far from the city to enjoy the peace of the Brisbane suburbs, the journey to work will definitely not be a problem.
8.00 AM
In the days that I work from the office, because there are days that we are allowed to work from home, I get to the office around 8:00 after walking to work from home. Honestly, the days I work from the office are my favourites, because I have the opportunity to socialise with my colleagues while having 3 screens available to perform my daily tasks at work. As you can see in photo, we have a beautiful view from there, which helps me unwind any time just by looking out the window. When I get to the office, I feel welcomed from my colleagues from the project team, we have a really good team environment, everyone are polite, professional and easy to talk to.
8.30 AM
On Wednesdays, the project team gets together. Most of the team is in the office on that day, so we take advantage of everyone's presence and grab a coffee together. I really enjoy this time because it helps us build rapport and get to know each other better. The project team consists of skilled professionals who are always eager to actively listen and share how they perform their roles to fulfill the project's needs. As a graduate, this type of team's support is crucial in helping you find your approach as a professional.
9.00 AM
Time for the weekly Digital Solutions & Technology Huddle. Once a week all employees get together to get updates about what is happening in the department, who is starting and who is leaving, projects updates, news and project achievements celebrations.
9.30 AM
Time for a 1:1 session! As eHealth graduates, we have 1:1 sessions with the community of practice available to assist and guide us in achieving our professional goals. The sessions include all the support you need to reach your goal. They support you in finding your calling, identifying which soft or hard skills you need to further develop, and advising on who in the organisation would be the best mentor for you according to your professional aspirations. I feel supported even mentally in having Alice*, this strong woman and skilled professional by my side.
*Alice is a member of the community of practice team in eHealth within Queensland Health.
10.00 AM
Work! Researching Identity Access Management systems. Being part of a government organisation is an honour for me. I am genuinely proud to work for Queensland Health. It is a privilege to be able to give back to the Australian community, utilising the knowledge and growth that Australia has made possible for me. Working with reputable and experienced professionals who are dedicated to delivering quality ICT services to the Queensland healthcare system is truly rewarding.
I have learned that each delivery team is like a "spider," weaving the complex web that interconnects software, databases, devices, and even people. Today, I am researching Identity and Access Management Systems. This research will assist the Business Analysis team I work with in planning the structure for the roadmap project we will undertake next year. The project aims to deliver a strategic plan, determining the desired outcomes and major steps or milestones needed to achieve them. It also serves as a communication tool, a high-level document that helps articulate the strategic thinking—the why—behind both the goal and the plan for reaching it.
12.30 PM
Lunch time! It's the perfect time to stretch my legs, leave my desk, and chat with other grads in the lunchroom. I usually heat up a meal or buy one. There are plenty of shops nearby with a range of options, and today I decided to get something from the Asian restaurant around the supermarket corner. It's always a treat!
1.30 PM
Project monthly meeting. This is the time to inform the team about the project progress, discuss what’s next, and celebrate our achievements. I have to say that I consider myself very lucky to have the opportunity to work on the Access Management Improvement project. Although it is a complex one, it has provided me with invaluable experience and insights to continue improving based on the lessons learned from the project.
2.30 PM
Working with my Business Analyst (BA) team, including myself, a Senior BA, and a Principal BA, has been an enriching experience. Our Principal BA, who is highly experienced and focused on delivering value to end users, also serves as my mentor. We touch base every day, collaborating closely and supporting each other to achieve our goals. I have weekly one-on-one meetings with the Principal BA, where we discuss my development, improvements, and challenges. It is a time that I use to get advice from his expertise and leadership. The Senior BA and I work closely sharing knowledge and perspectives, I can say that we learn from each other every day. This supportive environment fosters continuous learning and growth for all team members.
3.30 PM
Back to work. Effective business analysis planning and approach are crucial for delivering value in projects, as they ensure clear objectives, stakeholder alignment, and efficient resource utilisation. This plays an important role in leading to successful project outcomes. The Business Analysis team I work with, and I are dedicated to implementing best practices and standard processes to enhance the quality of our deliverables. This internal project is particularly inspiring in my daily work life at eHealth because it has the potential to help spreading the seeds of continuous quality improvement across all projects. And now is the time of day that I have scheduled to work on this task, let’s do it!
4.30 PM
End of day! Going back home is a time I use to disconnect from work and enter a relaxed mood. This routine helps me reenergise for the next day. I often listen to my favourite music or a podcast during my commute, making the transition even smoother. This simple habit allows me to unwind and recharge effectively. By the time I reach home, I feel refreshed and ready to enjoy my evening.
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