My managers are there for me whenever I need. They also let me work autonomously and support my growth through recommending training session and allowing time away from work to enhance my skills and knowledge.
Graduate, Brisbane - 10 Sep 2024
The managers at my company are very approachable and always provide constructive feedback and praise and recognition.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Sep 2024
I have got a very good manager. He knows what I am capable of and let me work on sensitive projects as well. He let me various trainings and always encourages me to learn new technologies. He arranges one on one session with me once a month. He is very approachable and gives me honest feedback about how I am doing in work.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Sep 2024
Managers are pretty good, and I've met some that are good mentors. They recognise my work and are very nice about it! :)
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Sep 2024
I have bi-weekly meetings with my managers and mentors and I am able to reach out to them in between sessions as well. They are great at managing the team and assisting everyone with any problems. They are hands on and always available if needed.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Sep 2024
Yes - they make themselves available and make the effort to be personable with their staff. They actively encourage, provide space to seek advice or feedback, go out of their way to name and praise staff attached to products or projects.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2024
Very approachable management
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2024
Yes they are accessible. Do a lot of praise. Probably need to do a bit more for performance feedback.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 May 2023
Generally satisfied. Accessibility depends on the team and structure.
Brisbane - 10 May 2023
My manager is the biggest reason I have stuck around in this team. He works the same work as the rest of the team while also ensuring we do not get stuck on our work. He sets our direction as a team in the void left by the poor work done by our executives.
Midlevel, Townsville - 04 May 2023
Supportive manager, director and mentor.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 May 2023
My team leader & manager are amazing!! Senior management/exec are not. I can talk to my team lead/manager about anything and they will assist the best they can.
Midlevel, Brisbane - 05 Mar 2023
Manager of my team is amazing and will always push to get the best for me. Not as true in other teams, and people above that can be hard to reach.
Midlevel, Brisbane - 05 Mar 2023
I haven't really had a manager for a while as he has been pulled away from the team to work on other projects. I generally manage myself.
Midlevel, Brisbane - 05 Mar 2023