Opportunity expired
Mō te tūranga
Kei te kimi a Te Manatū Aorere i tana kāhui ika tauhou Āpiha Kaupapahere Tauwhenua hou e wana ana, e ngākaunui ana.
Ko ā mātou Āpiha Kaupapahere Tauwhenua ngā mātanga kaitohu kaupapahere ā-tauwhenua, ā-tauhokohoko me te whakawhanaketanga, ā, he mātanga kaitohu ā-ture rāwāhi me te kaiwhiriwhiri hoki.
He aramahi tēnei e whai wāhi ai koe ki ētahi o ngā tino pūkenga o tēnei whenua, ā, e whai wāhi ai hoki ki ngā kaupapa hira nui ā-ao. He mea huri ēnei tūranga, arā, hei ia ruarua tau ka huri koe ki tūranga kaupapahere tauwhenua kē atu, e whai wāhi ai koe ki te whakawhanake haere i ō wheako i roto i ngā tūranga whānui.
Ko ētahi o āu mahi hei āpiha Kaupapahere Tauwheuna he:
Ka pau ana he ruarua tau i Pōneke, ka wātea koe ki te tono i ngā tūranga i tētahi o ō mātou kāinga māngai kāwanatanga me ngā kāinga kairauhī 60 puta noa i te ao.
Pāwhiria tēnei hono e kitea ai ētahi atu pārongo mō tēnei tūranga: The Policy Officer role | New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (mfat.govt.nz).
Pāwhiria tēnei hono e kitea ai tētahi tauira o ngā whakamārama mō te tūranga: Hono
Ko te $70,784, hui katoa me tā mātou tāpaetanga 3% mō te KiwiSaver te tapeke o te utu mō tēnei tūranga.
Mā wai te mahi nei ?
Ka kauawhi mātou i te kanorautanga, me te aha, kei te hiahia kia mau a te Manatū ki ngā āhutanga ake nō tō tātou taupori, arā, kia kākano maha, kia manawanui, kia whakaaro anamata me ngā tini pūnawa. E rāhiritia ana ngā kaitono katoa, ahakoa ngā kaupapa ako o te tohu, ngā wheako ngaio me te kōeke. Ko te mea nui ki a mātou, ko te whakaaro nui ōu, ko te manawanui ōu, ko te ngākaunui ōu, pēnei i tō mātou ki te whakawhanake i ō Aotearoa hiahia ki rāwāhi me te kāinga nei.
E hiahia ana mātou kia whakapā mai koe mēnā:
Ko ētahi atu pūkenga e angitū ai koe i te tūranga Āpiha Kaupapahere Tauwhenua, ko te mōhio ki te mātauranga Māori, ko te mōhio ki ngā āhuatanga o ngā iwi o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa, ko te kairangitanga rānei ki ngā mahi mātauranga.
Ko te whāinga ia, ka mārama pai ngā kaitono ki ngā tikanga Māori, ka taea ai te whakaurua o ngā āhuatanga Māori ki roto i āu mahi.
Mēnā kei te tīmatanga tonu koe o tō haerenga i roto i te ao Māori, kei te pai hoki tēnā – ko te mea nui ia, he ngākaunui tōu ki te whakawhanake i ō pūkenga mātauranga Māori. He mea nui tēnei ki te Manatū i raro i ō mātou tikanga Tiriti o Waitangi, ā, ka hāpaitia e mātou ngā kaupapa whakawhanake i te mātauranga Māori me ngā kaupapa tautoko.
Ngā hua o te mahi i te Manatū Aorere
E titikaha ana mātou ki te arotahi ki te kaiārahitanga, ki te pūmanawa, ki te whakangungu me te whakawhanake, me ngā whakaritenga mahi e pīngore ana. Tirohia tā mātou whārangi mō ngā hua o te mahi e mōhio ai koe he aha e ngākaunui nei mātou ki te mahi i konei.
He maha ō te Manatū kōtuituinga kaimahi e tautoko ana i ngā kaimahi, ahakoa te kōeke o te aramahi. Pāwhiria tēnei hono e tirohia ai ngā pārongo mō ō mātou kōtuituinga kaimahi me tā mātou Rautaki Kanorau me te Kauawhi.
Mō mātou
Ka tū ō mātou tāngata hei māngai mō Aotearoa, i konei me tāwāhi, me te aha, haumaru ake ana, whai hua ake ana ngā tāngata o Aotearoa. Mā te whakawhanaungatanga, mā te whakaaweawe i ngā whenua, i ngā whakahaere ā-ao, ka whakawhanaketia e mātou ō Aotearoa hiahia ka kōkiri ai i ngā wāriu o Aotearoa. Ko tā mātou he toha kupu āwhina ki te Kāwanatanga mō te pānga mai ki Aotearoa nō ngā take i te ao whānui.
Me pēhea te tuku tono
Tonoa mai tō tātai pūmanawa, tō reta tono me tō pūranga kōrero akoranga i tēnei rā. Ka whai tonu iho ko te tīmatanga o te tono ā-ipurangi mā tētahi uiuinga ā-rorohiko mō tōna tekau miniti.
Mēnā e hiahia ana koe ki te kōrero ā-matatapu i te tukanga tono nei, tēnā koa īmēra atu ki a samara.fischer@mfat.govt.nz, ki a graduate.recruitment@mfat.givt.nz rānei. Ka taea hoki te waea atu ki a Samara - 021 650 375 ki te hiahia koe ki te kōrero ā-waha atu ki tētahi.
E whai wāhi ai ki te tūranga nei, me Kirirarau o Aotearoa koe, me Kainoho Tūturu rānei koe kua tonoa nei he kirirautanga, ā, e āhei ana hoki te riro me te pupuri i te Whakaaetanga Whakamaru ā-Whenua o Aotearoa - Taumata Tapu.
Whakamahia tēnei tuihono āwhina ki te whakamātau i te māraurau ōu ki te riro he whakaaetanga whakamaru whenua - Taumata Tapu. Kia mōhio mai koe, ehara tēnei tuihono i te whakamātautau ōkawa mō tēnei tūranga:
Whakapā mai mēnā kei te hiahia tautoko koe me tō tono.
Ka kati ngā tono ā te Mane te 19 o Akuhata 2024.
Please note this is the reo Māori version of the English advertisement 'Early in Careers Foreign Policy Officers'. Both advertisements refer to the same role. Please apply through either the English version or te Reo Māori version.
Note taking, email correspondence, attending meetings, assessing policy and internation standards for trade.
Day to day responsibilities is heavy on reporting and writing responses to OIA's and Ministerial. Could do with more work specific on briefings etc.
I find my day-to-day responsibilities to be quite light and oftentimes find myself bored. I would prefer to be a lot busier
1,000 - 50,000 employees
Government & Public Service
Let MFAT introduce you to the world of policy, and we'll show you how you can make a difference for Aotearoa's place in the world.
The ability to have a tangible impact on the world and for people, for example helping partner countries reduce their carbon emissions and develop their renewable energy sector.
The diversity and pace of work. Every day is different and the work changes quickly. It makes it difficult to be bored.
The team culture and rewarding work.
Plenty of opportunity to progress career with a range of amazing opportunities and the ministry shows a commitment to expanding our knowledge and experiences to make us better all-round foreign policy officers.
We had an 8-week induction program, where we learnt core writing skills, completed foundational courses about key topics, and learnt the systems we use on a day-to-day basis.
It generally takes 4-6 years to go on posting.
The pressure and demands of the work. Often longer hours are needed to get the work done.
There is a strong culture of overwork.
Lack of social connectedness in the workplace, very hard to start work here with so much institutional knowledge.
The level of support from your team varies throughout the ministry.