One of the highest paying employers in the aps
Midlevel, Canberra - 28 Oct 2021
I think the anao staff gets decent pay and conditions. starting salary is especially competitive, and 15.4% super is also great. i feel that pay arrangements for performance auditors can be somewhat tricky. because there isn't a 'performance auditing' discipline, a lot of performance auditors are sourced from a range of different sectors, including in some industries with high salary expectations (such as law, some stem backgrounds, from the big4 consultants, etc.). it is probably unrealistic to be able to match private sector wages especially at higher classifications. therefore other benefits (such as flexibility and good employment conditions) are equally as important as competitive salary (which is also still very important!).
Midlevel, Canberra - 28 Oct 2021
Public service salary, benefits etc are always good!
Experienced, Canberra - 28 Oct 2021
The pay is reasonable. there are no bonuses
Midlevel, Canberra - 28 Oct 2021
Well paid, as public sector entity bonuses are limited.
Midlevel, Canberra - 28 Oct 2021
Pay is very good, as far as i know it is one of the highest within the aps.
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Sep 2021
I don't think bonuses are an effective incentive to get staff to perform in the public service
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Mar 2021
The pay and bonuses are reasonable, although many would suggest that it is misaligned to the responsibilities.
Midlevel, ACT - 11 Mar 2021
We are compensated a little more than average compared to larger departments of state, and i believe this is fair given the technical skills required for the work.
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Feb 2021
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Jan 2021
There are no longer bonuses, but the pay is quite reasonable as a graduate and above, given the flex and work-life balance
Experienced, Canberra - 11 Jan 2021
It could be a little bit higher, compared to some other commonwealth departments, however the work makes up for this.
Graduate, Canberra - 29 Jul 2016
Competitive pay compared to private firms. pay for a graduate is very high and excludes things such as travel allowance.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Jul 2016
No bonuses, but automatic promotion at the end of an 11 month program
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Jul 2016
Satisfied with the current conditions and haven't considered in much depth.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Jul 2016
Quite high for graduate level and super is fantastic.
Graduate, Canberra - 25 Jul 2016
High starting salary for a grad, maybe slightly less than other aps departments but comes with greater opportunities for experience and career progression. n/a for bonuses at my level.
Graduate, Canberra - 25 Jul 2016
Fair for the work expected at the junior to intermediate level. after that not so fair.
Graduate, Canberra - 09 May 2016