Updating Results

Australian National Audit Office (ANAO)

  • 100 - 500 employees

ANAO Graduate Program Live Q&A

Event expired

Join the ANAO team, as they answer your burning questions about their graduate roles.

Event Details

Tue 8 Mar 2022, 3:00pm
Tue 8 Mar 2022, 4:00pm
Time Zone

The ANAO has a role in ensuring that Australians’ tax dollars are spent as effectively as possible. The work you do will help to hold other Government agencies to account to ensure they are reporting accurately on their finances and that their programs are administered efficiently, effectively, and economically.

Do you feel strongly about ensuring government accountability and transparency? Then don't miss your chance to ask your burning questions of the ANAO graduate recruitment team.


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All participants will have their video camera and microphone muted by default. If you are not comfortable with having your voice or face recorded, please keep your video off and microphone muted.

With that in mind, we encourage all of you who are comfortable with being recorded to keep your video on to make for a better experience with employers. You can at any time request to have content you are featured in removed from the web by sending an email to contact@prosple.com.